Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Self sustaining lifestyle

So we would be talking about self sustaining lifestyle.

What is self sustaining lifestyle?

Self sustaining in laymen language means self sufficient that basically indicates that we don't have to depend on others for our needs. In todays world everything is linked together and someway or the other we all are dependent on each other. We somehow depend on the nature or the people or anyone else directly or indirectly .

We rely upon nature for the resources and on the people to attain different kinds of goods or services worldwide. 

We have to understand that being self sufficient is very important and plays a critical role in the inner development of  person as a whole. 

We all as humans have become so dependant on each other that we can not even do minimal scale of activities on our own; this signifies that we have to start realising its importance and act upon it. 

The first few things to become independent or self reliant is going back to the basics because the modern era has brought in so many changes whether it be technological or physical or mental.

We as a whole have become modernised which has led to a whole lot of dependancy on others so the first step to be taken is going back to the basics and using simple means to live, secondly, we have to understand the role of critical and long term thinking. 

The decisions should not be made very quickly without giving it a thought instead we should analyse as to how the particular decision will impact our life and what would be the future  results. 

We know that future is totally uncertain and we cannot predict anything but what we can do is put in our best to analyse things and then act upon it .

Now as we talk about independency, being frugal comes into the play. Being frugal basically means practicing financial discipline as a whole. Whether it be managing the income sources or understanding the expenditure for the luxurious and lavish lifestyles that we see in the present day.

Thirdly, we would be talking about changing with the seasons 

- this means that we have to acknowledge that change is constant in our lives. Nothing remains same forever. Each and everything changes with the passage of time and as we are aiming to achieve a self sustaining lifestyle we should not be rigid at all as rigidity leads to loss and at some point in our life we have to change with the changing environment. This does mean that we start to do what others are doing ,it signifies that we can not always be using the same old practices and we have to change our practices and ourselves to survive and adapt in the environment.

In conclusion, we have to understand and align ourselves with reality when we are talking about self sustaining lifestyle. We can not be 100% independent because all of us can not grow our food and not all of us can make appliances and many other things.

We must understand that being self sufficient does not mean that we do everything ourselves. It essentially means that we should not be completely dependent on others and we should be able to do things and activities that are in our control and within our limits.

Thanks for reading my Article 


Yash Gupta (Ajanta Public School)


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