Exams, so what are exams?

Exams is a time period in which an institution test your skillset.
Some people are very afraid of exams.
Exams play a very crucial role throughout our life.
Exams are nothing but developed practice of what you do in your school or college or anywhere in your life.
Some people even judge you according to your marks, this is known as marksism.
Some people get mad about marks and that is not at all right and you should never judge a person’s skillset only be seeing his/her marks.
Imagine that you score 90%marks or more in your class 12th and get admission in a very good college but still you are not happy/satisfied with it, so what is the point if doing that.
You should always do what you want and never do what people want you to do. Some parents even want their children to complete their half left dreams and that is not at all wrong if the child wants to do that and is interested in it but if it is against his/her wish it is completely wrong.
Some people even worry a lot for the results after their exams and some children get so stressed out that they even commit suicide and this fear of not getting good marks is destroying our country’s youth.
I don't say that we should get very free and stop focusing on studies. Even I as a child also take very much tension about my exams but it is not right to take so much of stress.
What I want to say is you should do what you want to do and not come under pressure and take so much stress.
Thanks for reading my article
Yash Gupta
Exams, so what are exams?

Exams is a time period in which an institution test your skillset.
Some people are very afraid of exams.
Exams play a very crucial role throughout our life.
Exams are nothing but developed practice of what you do in your school or college or anywhere in your life.
Some people even judge you according to your marks, this is known as marksism.
Some people get mad about marks and that is not at all right and you should never judge a person’s skillset only be seeing his/her marks.
Imagine that you score 90%marks or more in your class 12th and get admission in a very good college but still you are not happy/satisfied with it, so what is the point if doing that.
You should always do what you want and never do what people want you to do. Some parents even want their children to complete their half left dreams and that is not at all wrong if the child wants to do that and is interested in it but if it is against his/her wish it is completely wrong.
Some people even worry a lot for the results after their exams and some children get so stressed out that they even commit suicide and this fear of not getting good marks is destroying our country’s youth.
I don't say that we should get very free and stop focusing on studies. Even I as a child also take very much tension about my exams but it is not right to take so much of stress.
What I want to say is you should do what you want to do and not come under pressure and take so much stress.
Thanks for reading my article
Yash Gupta